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In written Portuguese, when converting to title case, it is not usual to keep in title case some words, like prepositions, conjunctions, articles and some kinds of pronouns. This functions locates those cases and converts them to lower case. Based on gist ToTitleCasePT by


ToTitleCasePT(string, ...)



vector of characters to be converted to title case but with connector words (one-word prepositions and conjunctions) and articles (both definite and indefinite) and some pronouns in lower case.


vector of characters with the same dimension of string


The current list of words converted to lower case is:

  • articles

    • o(s), a(s), um, uma(s), uns

  • pronouns

    • me, mim, meu(s), minha(s)

    • te, ti, teu(s), tua(s)

    • lhe(s), seu(s), sua(s)

    • nos, nosso(a)(s)

    • vos, vosso(a)(s)

  • prepositions, their contractions and combinations

    • prepositions

      • a, ante, até, após, com, contra, de, desde, em, entre, para, perante, por, sem, sob, sobre, trás

    • contractions

      • à(s), do(a)(s), no(a)(s), pelo(a)(s), pro(a)(s) (informal language)

    • combinations

      • ao(s)

  • conjunctions

    • conforme, conquanto, contudo, durante, embora, enquanto, então, entretanto, exceto, logo, mas, nem, ou, ora, pois, porém, porque, porquanto, portanto, quando, quanto, que, se, senão, todavia

The above list is far from complete or exaustive, mainly due to the absence of the accidental prepositions and conjuntions, which are words that are not originally prepositions or conjunctions, but can play those roles in some contexts, like, for instance segundo, which can mean either the numeral second or the prepositional expression acording to.